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Verification Process for Foreign Transcripts in Military Enlistment

I'm preparing to enlist in the U.S. military, but I have a foreign high school transcript. What is the process to verify this for enlistment, specifically for the Air Force? Any tips would be helpful.

4 hours ago

In the U.S. military, foreign transcripts, whether they're high school or college, are typically subject to an evaluation process to determine their equivalency in the U.S. educational system. The Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) will require an official translation and evaluation of your high school transcript.

1. Obtain an Official Translation: The first step is to have your transcript officially translated into English by a certified translation service. Keep in mind the U.S. Air Force, like all branches of the military, will need an accurate and complete translation of your transcript in order to process your application.

2. Evaluation of the Transcript: After you've obtained a translated version of your transcript, you'll have to find an evaluation service accredited by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) to validate its equivalency to U.S. high school standards.

These steps may take some time, so consider starting the process early. Also, keep copies of all documents submitted during this process, as you will likely need them for future references.

Lastly, communicate clearly with your recruiter throughout the process. They can give you valuable input based on their experience with other foreign high school applicants. It's their job to guide you through the enlistment process, and they're usually well-versed in the specific documentation requirements for the U.S. Air Force.

4 hours ago

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