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GED and Military Enlistment Options

Can someone with a GED enlist in the military? I'm wondering if there are specific requirements or differences in how you're evaluated compared to high school diploma holders. Trying to plan my next steps after getting my GED.

4 hours ago

Yes, it is absolutely possible for someone with a GED to enlist in the military. However, there are some factors to consider.

Firstly, individuals with a traditional high school diploma are generally favored in the recruitment process since the military categorizes applicants according to education level. Those with high school diplomas typically fall into what's referred to as "Tier 1," while GED holders are categorized as "Tier 2."

The distinctions are important as each tier is subject to a different enlistment quota. Yet, don't get discouraged. Many Tier 2 applicants successfully enlist every year; you just might face more competition and scrutiny during the enlistment process.

Additionally, each branch of the military may have its own specific policies with regards to GED holders. For example, the Army and Navy are known to be more open to GED holders compared to other branches but all branches accept GED holders to some degree.

To increase your chances of enlistment as a GED holder, you might consider earning few college credits. Enlisting with 15 or more semester hours of college coursework under your belt places you in the Tier 1 category alongside high school diploma holders. This can be a game-changer for boosting enlistment odds.

As with any military enlistment, physical, moral, and aptitude standards apply, so staying in good physical health, maintaining a clean legal record, and performing well on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) will also play important roles in the process.

The key is to meet with a local recruiter who can give you the most accurate information based on your specific circumstances and the current enlistment climate.

4 hours ago

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