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Career Path to Becoming an Enlisted Military Police in the Marines

I'm interested in the military police position within the Marines. Can anyone share the qualifications needed and what the job entails on a day-to-day basis? Also, how competitive is it to get into this role?

5 hours ago

Becoming a Military Police Officer (MOS 5811) in the Marines is a rewarding career choice that involves numerous responsibilities and requires specific qualifications. In terms of prerequisites, a few notable items include:

- High school diploma or GED

- US citizenship

- EPQT (Enlisted Professional Military Education Program Qualification Test) score requirements, typically a GT score of 100 or above

- No legal convictions that could potentially disqualify you

- Security clearance (Secret level)

As far as the daily tasks of a military police officer, they are multi-faceted. You'll be assisting in reconnaissance operations and maintaining law and order on the base. This could involve traffic enforcement, maintaining prison security, providing support to staff and operational units, and more. You'll likely perform patrol duties and crime prevention programs. Additionally, in times of war, you may participate in battlefield operations and detainee internment.

The competition for this role mainly depends on the needs of the Marines, which can change from year to year. It's advisable to stay physically fit, continue to strive for academic achievement, demonstrate good character and leadership, and exhibit determination in the face of adversity. These qualities will make you a competitive candidate for any military position.

Remember, the journey to becoming a Military Police in the Marines is a process. You'll first attend Marine's Basic Combat Training, then go to Military Police basic training. From there, you could continue with specialized training depending on where you want to take your military career.

Given the demanding nature of the career, extensive preparation is crucial. You might consider talking to a local recruiter for a more detailed understanding of the process. They could provide some valuable insights based on your individual situation, to gauge your fit for this role.

5 hours ago

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