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SAT: 720 math
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Why is UCLA the most applied-to university?

I've heard that UCLA has the most applications of any university. What makes it so popular? Is it just the location, or are there specific programs or aspects of the college experience that draw so many applicants each year?

4 hours ago

UCLA's popularity among prospective students indeed stems from multiple factors, not just its excellent location. Nowadays, many students consider the school's strong academic reputation in various areas of study. UCLA offers numerous top-rated programs, such as Business Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Biology, nations rank among the best.

The university's commitment to research is another major draw. It is one of the top public research universities in the U.S., earning prominent recognition for its medical and health science programs, among others. Additionally, UCLA has a strong commitment to undergraduate research, giving students hands-on experience in their field of interest.

UCLA's diverse student body is also a significant factor. The university is home to students from various backgrounds and perspectives, which generates a vibrant and dynamic campus culture that many applicants find appealing.

An additional point of attraction is UCLA's active involvement in athletics. The school has a proud history in various collegiate sports and provides a wide range of opportunities for student-athletes.

From a practical standpoint, its state school status makes it an attractive option for in-state students due to the lower tuition fees.

Lastly, its location can’t be ignored. Located in Los Angeles, one of the world's significant cultural, economic, and entertainment centers, UCLA offers students ample opportunities for internships, cultural experiences, and outdoor enjoyment due to its warm climate.

In summary, UCLA's popularity results from a combination of strong academics, vibrant campus culture, reputation for research, athletic excellence, reasonable in-state tuition cost, and its strategic location.

These are just some of the normative reasons that make UCLA a hot-ticket item for wannabe Bruins!

4 hours ago

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