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What are some of the most popular majors at San Diego State University?

I'm considering applying to San Diego State University and I'm really curious about what the most popular majors are there. I'm interested in subjects like business and engineering, but I want to know what's trending. Any insights?

4 hours ago

San Diego State University is known for offering a wide range of programs, but some stand out due to the number of students choosing them and the recognition those programs have received. In terms of popularity, the major programs that students often flock to include Business Administration (particularly Marketing and Management), Psychology, Criminal Justice, Health Sciences, and different strands of Engineering.

Notably, business-related programs are among the most chosen due to the robust curriculum and opportunities for real-world experience through internships. The Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University is highly regarded and attracts many students interested in disciplines such as finance, management, and marketing.

Engineering is another popular area at SDSU. The College of Engineering is known for programs like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Many students are attracted to these programs due to the comprehensive curriculum, strong lab facilities, and high job placement rates post-graduation.

However, being popular does not necessarily mean these are the "best" programs at the university. It very much depends on your interests, career goals, and fitting the program into your broader educational aspirations. It's always wise to delve deeper into the individual programs and departments, speak with advisors, students, or graduates to get a more nuanced view of what each program entails.

4 hours ago

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