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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Responsibility and other reasons to get a job in high school?

I'm considering getting a job during high school to learn responsibility and earn some money. What other benefits do you think come with working at this age? I want to make sure it's worth the added time commitment.

2 days ago

There are several additional benefits that come with having a job during high school:

1. Time Management Skills: Balancing schoolwork, a job, and possibly extracurricular activities can be a challenge, but it's an excellent opportunity to develop good time management skills. These skills will be invaluable in college and your future career.

2. Workplace Skills: A job gives you practical exposure to a professional environment. It provides an opportunity to learn the soft skills that employers look for, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

3. Resume Building: Job experience in high school can strengthen your resume and make you stand out in college applications. Even if the work isn't closely related to your intended major, schools often appreciate students who have demonstrated work ethic and responsibility.

4. Networking Opportunities: Working can expand your network and connect you with people who might provide helpful references in the future or even present you with new opportunities.

5. Independence: Earning your own money can give you a powerful sense of independence, and it will allow you to save for college, or personal spending.

6. Exploration: Some high school jobs can give you a chance to explore potential career paths. You might discover an unexpected interest or passion that influences your educational and career direction.

Remember, however, balancing a job with other responsibilities can be difficult. You should aim to maintain a balance so your grades and academic focus aren't affected. Additionally, make sure your job won't hinder your ability to engage in high-quality extracurriculars and community service, which are also valuable to college admissions.

2 days ago

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