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How do medical requirements affect enlisting if I'm transgender?

I'm considering enlisting in the military but I'm transgender. How do the medical requirements apply to someone like me? Are there specific things I should prepare for or be aware of?

8 hours ago

The medical and physical requirements for military enlistment apply equally to all potential recruits, regardless of gender identity. However, as a transgender individual, it's important to understand specific regulations that might affect your enlistment process.

In March 2021, the Pentagon lifted a ban, allowing transgender individuals to serve openly in the military. This means individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria can enlist, serve, and seek proper medical treatment, including hormone therapies and surgeries.

That being said, it's important to understand that any medical treatment you are currently undertaking or have undergone might potentially affect your eligibility. For instance, if you have begun hormone therapy for a gender transition, you may be required to have completed a certain period of stability in your targeted gender. This typically involves a certain time frame of living as your preferred gender and maintaining hormonal therapy as determined by your healthcare provider. Importantly, you should be able to demonstrate stability and ability to meet the physical and mental guidelines as per the gender marker in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

Moreover, anyone who has had a major surgery as part of gender transition must comply with regulations regarding surgical procedures, usually involving certain periods of post-operative recovery.

It's recommended to keep clear medical records documenting your treatment and stability if possible, which could be helpful during the medical examination process.

Do keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and the specific requirements may vary across different branches of the military. If you're planning to enlist, I suggest reaching out to a local recruiter. They can provide the most accurate and up-to-date advice based on the branch you're intended to join. Remember, each person's situation is unique, and your process might not look exactly like someone else's.

On a more personal note, it's important to remember the choice to serve in the military is a substantial one which might involve numerous challenges. Make sure to surround yourself with a supportive network, particularly one that understands the specific hurdles that come with being a transgender military service member. Don't hesitate to reach out for support from organizations that specifically serve transgender veterans and active-duty military personnel.

8 hours ago

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