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SAT: 720 math
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Finding high school jobs in Silicon Valley

Living in Silicon Valley, I'm curious about local job opportunities for high school students. Are there tech-related internships or part-time jobs that look for high school applicants around here?

8 hours ago

Definitely! Being in a tech hub like Silicon Valley offers a unique set of opportunities for high-school students interested in the tech industry. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Coding Tutor: Many tech professionals and organizations are keen on nurturing the next generation of techies. You could work as a tutor, teaching coding to younger students or peers, especially if you've mastered a few programming languages and have a good understanding of computer sciences.

2. Tech camps and workshops: Numerous organizations and tech companies often hold tech camps or workshops for younger students. They frequently need high school students to help run these events—a great way to gain exposure and network in the tech community.

3. Small Tech Company Internship: Small start-ups might be more open to hiring interns who are still in high school, giving you hands-on experience in the tech industry.

4. Tech Support at School: You may find opportunities within your school, such as helping to run the school website or IT department.

Remember, starting with smaller roles and showing your eagerness to learn can open doors to more advanced, tech-focused opportunities. Keep an eye on local job boards, attend tech meet-ups or seminars, and consider joining or starting a coding club in your school to enhance your skills and network.

Building relationships with teachers who have a background in tech might also lead to valuable mentorship or job opportunities. Don’t forget to leverage your location—being in Silicon Valley puts you in close proximity to the epicenter of tech innovation!

8 hours ago

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