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What's typically included in a receptionist job description at a high school?

I've heard there might be a receptionist position opening up at my high school. What does the role usually involve, and what skills would be useful or necessary? Would this be good experience for future job applications?

3 days ago

A receptionist role in a high school typically includes a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. Generally, you would be the first point of contact for anyone who walks into the school, basically acting as the face of the school. Typical duties may include:

1. Greeting and assisting visitors, students, and staff in a courteous and professional manner

2. Answering telephones, transferring calls, and taking messages

3. Dealing with inquiries from students, parents, staff, and visitors

4. Scheduling appointments and managing school calendars

5. Assisting with administrative tasks like filing, copying, and mail distribution

6. Maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the reception area

As for skills required for the job, the following are generally useful:

- Excellent verbal communication since you'll be interacting with a wide range of people.

- Organizational skills due to various administrative tasks.

- Proficiency in computer skills, including word processing, email systems, and possibly school-specific software.

- Customer service skills would be essential given the public-facing nature of the job.

- A responsible, patient, and friendly demeanor since you'll be working with students and parents.

Being a school receptionist could be highly beneficial for your future job applications. This experience will be demonstrative of strong communication skills, office efficiency, and the ability to handle a fast-paced, complex environment. It could be a strong launching point for careers in the educational sector, administrative roles, customer service, and even management positions given the multi-tasking and organizational aspect of the job. Plus, it's a Tier 3 extracurricular, which demonstrates responsibility and dedication.

Just remember to consider how this job would fit in with your overall course load and other activities, the key is to maintain a balance.

3 days ago

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