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AP Physics Passing Rate

Hello! I'm considering taking AP Physics, but I'm a bit worried about how challenging it is for most students. Does anyone know the passing rate (scoring 3 or higher) for AP Physics?

a year ago

Hello! It's understandable that you're contemplating the challenge of AP Physics. To help you make an informed decision, I'll provide the most recent passing rates for the different AP Physics courses. Keep in mind that these numbers are from the 2021 AP Exam administration:

- AP Physics 1: 45.4% of students scored 3 or higher

- AP Physics 2: 68.0% of students scored 3 or higher

- AP Physics C: Mechanics: 75.3% of students scored 3 or higher

- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: 72.1% of students scored 3 or higher

As you can see, there is variation in the passing rates between the different AP Physics courses. While AP Physics 1 tends to be seen as the most challenging, the AP Physics C courses are primarily taken by students who have a strong background in calculus and physics, which might explain the higher passing rate.

It's important to consider your own strengths, previous physics experiences, and the support available at your school when deciding whether to take an AP Physics course. If you feel confident in your abilities and have the necessary prerequisite knowledge, don't be discouraged by the passing rates! Ultimately, challenging yourself and learning from the experience can be valuable, even if you don't receive a high score on the AP exam.

a year ago

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