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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the top majors at Pacific Lutheran University?

I'm compiling a list of potential schools, and Pacific Lutheran University is on it. Could someone tell me what the most popular majors are there? I'm keen to know if it offers a strong program in my area of interest.

22 hours ago

Pacific Lutheran University (PLU), located in Tacoma, Washington, is known for offering a wide array of majors. Based on recent statistics, some of the most popular majors at PLU are Nursing, Business, Psychology, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, and Elementary Education.

In particular, the Nursing program at PLU is highly regarded and well-renowned for its comprehensive coursework and clinical placements. If you're interested in the healthcare field, this might be a pathway for you to consider.

Their Business Program is also quite popular and it provides students with strong foundational knowledge in aspects like marketing, finance, strategy, and management, integral to running or being part of a successful business.

Of course, the best fit would depend on your area of interest. If your intended major isn't among the most popular, that doesn't mean PLU doesn't have a strong program in that field. It might be a good idea to explore PLU's academic departments and investigate the faculty and resources related to your specific field of interest. This would give you a better sense of what studying your major at PLU might look like and how it can support your academic and career goals.

22 hours ago

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