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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where do most students live at San Diego State University?

I'm trying to get a feel for the student life at SDSU. Do most students live on campus, or is it more common to live off campus? I'm thinking about how I want to approach housing if I end up there.

16 hours ago

At San Diego State University (SDSU), freshman students are required to live on campus during their first year, so a significant amount of underclassmen can be found in the dorms. SDSU highly recommends on-campus living for its ability to immerse students in the vibrant campus community, provide convenient access to facilities and resources, and foster a sense of camaraderie among students. The university offers a variety of different housing options, including traditional dorms, suites, and apartments.

Starting from their sophomore year, many students choose to move off-campus. SDSU is located in a bustling part of San Diego that's filled with various apartment complexes and rental houses, so you'll find quite a few upperclassmen and graduate students living in those areas. Many students enjoy the independence and community that comes with living off-campus, and other benefits include possibly lower costs and more space.

In short, while underclassmen usually reside on-campus due to university requirements and conveniences, it's not uncommon for upperclassmen to move off-campus to experience a different lifestyle. Ultimately, the choice would depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle needs.

16 hours ago

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