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Where do most San Jose State University graduates get employed in Silicon Valley?

I'm looking at San Jose State University and wondering about their connections with tech companies in Silicon Valley. Do lots of grads end up working at major tech firms, and if so, which ones? Trying to gauge career prospects.

16 hours ago

San Jose State University (SJSU) indeed has a strong network and reputation, especially in the Silicon Valley area. It's widely recognized for its strong engineering and business programs and has established solid connections with local tech companies.

For instance, a substantial number of SJSU alumni have secured jobs at top-tier tech firms such as Apple, Google, and Cisco Systems. It's been reported that Apple, in particular, is one of the top employers of SJSU graduates. Other common employers in the Silicon Valley region include Symantec, Intel, and IBM.

Aside from tech, SJSU graduates also find opportunities in various other industries such as healthcare and education, so there are a wide range of paths for you to consider post-graduation.

Ultimately, the career outcomes can vary depending on factors like your major, skills, internship experiences, and job market trends. However, the university's proximity to tech hubs provides a unique advantage, offering opportunities for internships, networking events, and potential job placements upon graduation. It can be an excellent stepping stone for anyone looking to break into the tech industry.

16 hours ago

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