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What are Stanford University's top 5 most popular bachelor's degree majors?

I'm researching potential majors if I apply to Stanford University. I'd love some insight into which bachelor's degree majors are in the top 5 at Stanford based on popularity.

11 hours ago

Based on the number of graduates each year, the five most popular majors at Stanford University are generally as follows:

1. Computer Science: By a wide margin, Computer Science is Stanford's most popular undergraduate major. This is not surprising given Stanford's proximity to Silicon Valley and its strong emphasis on tech and innovation.

2. Human Biology: This major is popular with students looking to pursue careers in health and medicine, but also attracts those interested in environmental science and policy, given its interdisciplinary nature.

3. Engineering (General): Stanford's School of Engineering offers a variety of specializations, but many students opt for the more broad-based, interdisciplinary General Engineering major.

4. Economics: At Stanford, the Economics major is highly interdisciplinary, incorporating mathematics and data analysis, which appeals to many students.

5. Biology/Biological Sciences: A more traditional, lab-focused alternative to the Human Biology major, Biology/Biological Sciences is also among the top five most popular majors at Stanford.

Remember, the popularity of a major shouldn't be your only consideration when choosing a field of study. It's important to explore what subjects truly interest you and align with your career goals.

11 hours ago

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