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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which majors are most popular at Texas Southern University?

I'm considering Texas Southern University and I'd like to know what their most popular majors are. What do students seem to be drawn to academically at TSU?

10 hours ago

At Texas Southern University (TSU), some of the most popular majors include Health Professions, Business, Communication, Social Sciences, and Education. This generally gives you a sense of the academic areas that a significant number of TSU students are drawn to.

In Health Professions, programs such as Nursing and Health Information/Medical Records Administration tend to be particularly popular. Within the Business spectrum, notable programs are Business Administration and Management.

On the Communication side, Radio and Television studies emerge as favorites while Political Science and Sociology are often pursued in the area of Social Sciences. Lastly, in Education, Early Childhood Education and Teaching is specifically quite popular.

However, I'd encourage you not just to consider the popular programs but also to think about where your own personal interests and career goals lie. You have to pursue something that matches your passion and aspirations. Every institution has unique strengths, and finding a program that fits your individual goals should be your priority.

10 hours ago

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