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What are the most popular majors at Texas State University?

I'm interested in Texas State University and would love to know which majors attract the most students. What fields of study are the most common or prestigious there?

10 hours ago

Texas State University is an expansive institution with a wide range of popular majors. A few of the most popular majors based on enrollment data are Business, Health Professions, and Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies.

The McCoy College of Business Administration, which offers degrees in fields like Marketing, Finance, and Management, is well-regarded and attracts a significant number of students.

Health Professions is another popular field of study at Texas State. The College of Health Professions provides programs in several areas, including Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, and Health Information Management. These programs are known for their high-quality training and education.

The Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies major is also popular. This flexible, broad-based program allows students to explore a variety of areas and tailor their academic experience to their interests.

It's also worth noting that Texas State University has a respected program in Criminal Justice, which is ranked among the top programs in the state.

Remember that the popular majors aren’t necessarily the “prestigious" ones—what’s most important is that the program aligns with your academic and career interests. Maintaining your passion and motivation in your chosen area of study often reaps the best outcomes in terms of academic achievement and future career success. So while it's good to be aware of the popular majors, I would encourage you to prioritize your own areas of interest and career goals when choosing a degree program.

10 hours ago

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