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Best summer programs for high school juniors?

Hey friends! As a junior, I want to make the most of my upcoming summer before senior year, and I'm looking for a cool summer program to apply to. Any recommendations on summer programs specifically geared toward high school juniors? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hello! Great to hear that you're looking to make the most of your summer before senior year. There are plenty of summer programs geared towards high school juniors, but to provide you with the best recommendations, here are a few options across different fields of interest:

1. Research: If you're interested in research or STEM fields, check out programs like the Research Science Institute (RSI) at MIT or the Simons Summer Research Program at Stony Brook University. Both programs offer the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of experienced faculty, while also enabling you to network with like-minded peers.

2. Writing/Journalism: If you have a passion for writing or journalism, consider programs like the Iowa Young Writers' Studio or the Medill-Northwestern Journalism Institute. These programs help participants hone their writing skills, learn about the field from professionals, and build a portfolio of work.

3. Business/Entrepreneurship: For those interested in business or entrepreneurship, programs like the Launch X Summer Entrepreneurship Program offer students a chance to learn about starting their own businesses, work in teams to develop ideas, and pitch them to investors.

4. Public Service/Leadership: If public service and leadership are your interests, consider applying to programs like the Governor's School in your state, which focus on providing students with a unique opportunity to explore current issues and develop their leadership skills.

5. College Preparatory: Programs such as the Stanford Summer Institute or Harvard Summer School offer high school students a taste of the college experience, allowing participants to take college-level courses for credit, engage in workshops, and connect with college resources.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other programs available for high school juniors. When considering programs, think about what you're passionate about or what field you'd like to explore further. Additionally, cost and location might be factors to consider, as some programs are more expensive or located far from home. Don't forget to research the application requirements, such as essays, reference letters, or interviews before applying. Best of luck in your search, and I hope you find a summer program that aligns with your interests and goals!

a year ago

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