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What are some trade schools that lead to high paying jobs?

I've been considering trade schools as an option after high school. I'm really interested in programs that lead to well-paying careers. Does anyone have recommendations for trade schools known for high-paying job prospects?

10 hours ago

There are several trade schools that have excellent reputations for preparing graduates for high-paying jobs.

-Wyotech: This school is well-known for automotive technology programs. Graduates often go on to become mechanics or technicians in the automotive or diesel industry, which can include working with high-performance vehicles, motorsports, and more.

-Lincoln Tech: Lincoln Tech offers programs focusing on a wide variety of hands-on careers, including automotive technology, HVAC, culinary arts, and healthcare. Particularly notable are its programs in advanced manufacturing, which provide training applicable to jobs in manufacturing and technology spaces.

-Pennco Tech: Pennco Tech specializes in medical and automotive programs. They offer a highly rated Medical Assistant program as well as Automotive Technology and Collision Repair Technology programs, preparing students for relatively high-paying jobs in these fields.

-Universal Technical Institute (UTI): This trade school has become well-known for its reputable programs in the automotive and diesel industry. UTI graduates often find employment at well-known auto and diesel manufacturers or at NASCAR.

Remember, high-paying careers often require several years of experience even after completing a trade school program, so be prepared to continue learning and growing once you've started your career. It's important to focus on finding a program that not only leads to a high-paying job but also matches your interests and strengths.

10 hours ago

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