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What are the most popular universities in Missouri?

I'm thinking of staying closer to home for college and am curious about which universities in Missouri are the most popular. Can anyone give me a rundown of their standout programs or campus life?

10 hours ago

Sure, there are several well-known universities in Missouri with various standout programs.

University of Missouri - Columbia, often referred to as Mizzou, is known for its robust journalism program and highly ranked Health Professions and Nursing programs. It's also part of the SEC, so it has a big sports culture.

Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) is a private research university known for strength in a wide array of programs, notably its highly esteemed Medical and Law schools, as well as strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and engineering. Campus life at WashU is very involved, with numerous student organizations and lovely living-learning themed residential communities.

Saint Louis University (SLU) is another private research university, recognized for its programs in Health Law, Nursing, and Health Sciences. SLU offers over 250 student organizations, and is known for its commitment to community service.

Missouri University of Science and Technology, located in Rolla, is primarily known for its engineering and computing programs, making it an excellent choice for students interested in STEM fields. The campus life at Missouri S&T is also vibrant with over 200 student organizations for students to participate in.

In Kansas City, you'll find the University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) which offers a unique six-year med program as well as strong programs in the performing arts, including its Conservatory of Music and Dance. UMKC also has a wide range of student organizations and Greek life.

Lastly, Truman State University is a public liberal arts and sciences university notable for its affordability and academic quality, and offers a variety of degree programs along with a vibrant on-campus student life, including various fraternities, sororities, and over 150 student organizations.

Each of these universities offers a distinctive campus culture and standout programs, so I would advise you to research more about them and perhaps, see them in person. Keep in mind that when deciding on a university, consider factors like size, location, student life, available majors, and opportunities for practical experience in your field of study.

10 hours ago

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