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What's the most beautiful university in the United States?

I'm a sucker for gorgeous campuses, and I'm trying to decide where to tour next. What are some of the most beautiful universities in the U.S. that I should definitely visit before applying?

9 hours ago

Determining the most beautiful university in the U.S. can be subjective as it depends on individual tastes. However, I can mention a few universities that are historically renowned for their picturesque campuses:

1. Stanford University: Spread over 8,100 acres, Stanford's campus is known for its Spanish mission-style architecture and Rodin sculpture garden. Add into the mix palm trees and consistently sunny weather, and it's hard to beat.

2. University of Virginia: Designed by Thomas Jefferson, UVA's campus is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its centerpiece, the Rotunda, is a popular landmark, surrounded by green lawns and historic buildings.

3. Pepperdine University: Overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, Pepperdine offers a unique blend of stunning natural surroundings and Mediterranean Revival-style architecture.

4. Princeton University: Princeton boasts ivy-clad, Gothic architecture, beautiful sculpture gardens, and a tranquil, lake-side setting that many find charming.

5. Duke University: The iconic Duke Chapel and the Sarah P. Duke Gardens give the campus a sense of grandeur, combined with the Gothic architecture of the West Campus.

But don't just take my word for it - try to visit, take a virtual tour, or look at photos online to see which of these (or other) campuses appeals most to you.

9 hours ago

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