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SAT: 720 math
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Universities with the most female students?

I'm curious if there are universities where the majority of the student population is female. Does the gender ratio at a university affect the campus culture or academic opportunities in any noticeable way?

10 hours ago

It's true that the gender ratio can vary quite a bit between different universities. Some schools do have a majority female student population. For instance, Boston University, New York University, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill all have more female than male students.

More broadly, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, around 58% of college students in the U.S. are female. However, the gender ratio does not typically have a significant impact on academic opportunities, as schools aim to provide equal opportunities to all students.

As for campus culture, while a majority of female students might shape the overall atmosphere of the campus, individuals experiences still vary dramatically based on a multitude of factors, such as their interests, academic program, housing situation, and personal background.

Remember though, choosing a college is a very personal process and should take into account many factors, including academic offerings, size, location, and overall culture. While the gender ratio can be one aspect to consider, it should not be the overriding decision factor.

10 hours ago

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