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Which universities have the most student veterans?

I'm interested in schools that support student veterans. Are there universities known for having a large population of veterans enrolled? Thinking about these options since I might serve in the military before attending college.

10 hours ago

There are indeed a substantial number of colleges and universities that support and have a significant population of veteran students. One of the prominent ones is the American Military University (AMU), an online institution that caters specifically to the needs of military students and veterans.

In terms of a traditional on-campus setting, the University of Maryland Global Campus is known for its robust student-veteran population. George Washington University and the University of Southern California also have strong programs for veterans.

In terms of university systems, the Texas A&M University System and the State University of New York (SUNY) System are well-regarded for their efforts to support and accommodate student veterans.

However, the number of veteran students doesn't necessarily mean the school provides the best resources or support for veterans. So, you might also want to look into institutions that have been recognized for their support systems for veterans. For example, Arizona State University and Syracuse University are known for their dedicated veteran services.

In general, I'd recommend looking for schools that participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can offer additional financial assistance to veterans. The GI Bill® Comparison Tool can be a handy resource for finding institutions that participate in this program and comparing benefits across different schools.

Anyways, serving in the military before attending college can provide a unique perspective and valuable life experiences, so it's great that you're considering that path. It would be wise to consider how your service might be appreciated and supported in your future college community. Good luck!

10 hours ago

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