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When do Harvard interviews happen?

Hey everyone! I submitted my application to Harvard and I'm wondering when the interviews take place. Does anyone have an idea of when Harvard conducts interviews? Any tips for preparing? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Congratulations on submitting your application to Harvard. In general, Harvard interviews take place within a few weeks after you submit your application. For Early Action applicants, interviews usually occur in late October through mid-November. For Regular Decision applicants, interviews typically happen between mid-January and late February. Keep in mind that these time frames may vary based on your location and interviewer availability.

As for preparing for the interview, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Research Harvard: Show that you have a strong understanding of the values, resources, and culture of the university. Be prepared to discuss why you want to attend Harvard specifically and what academic and extracurricular opportunities on campus interest you.

2. Know your application: Make sure you're familiar with your submitted application materials, as your interviewer might ask you about specific aspects of them. Be ready to discuss your accomplishments and experiences in more detail.

3. Practice common interview questions: While each interview may be different, there are some common questions like "Tell me about yourself" or "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" that you can practice answering. Also, prepare any questions you may have for the interviewer about Harvard or their own experiences at the college.

4. Dress appropriately: Although the interview is typically a casual conversation, present yourself well by dressing neatly and comfortably in business casual attire.

5. Be yourself: Most importantly, be genuine and let your personality shine through during the interview. The goal is not to impress your interviewer with memorized answers, but to have a meaningful conversation where they can learn more about you as a person.

Finally, remember that not all applicants receive an interview opportunity. Harvard states that the availability of interviews depends on alumni volunteers who conduct them and geographical constraints. If you don't receive an interview, your application won't be negatively impacted.

Good luck, and I hope you have a rewarding interview experience!

a year ago

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