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Need tips for 'Why This Program' essay

Hey guys, I'm working on my college apps and I'm struggling with the 'Why This Program' essays. Any advice on how to make my essay stand out? Would love to hear from people who've written successful essays. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Writing a standout 'Why This Program' essay can be challenging, but focusing on a few key aspects can help set your essay apart. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Research: Dive deep into researching the program and the school itself. Mention specific details that make the program unique, such as faculty, research opportunities, and interdisciplinary possibilities. Demonstrating familiarity and genuine interest in these distinct features will show your commitment to that college and program.

2. Personalize: Tie the features you've researched back to your own experiences, goals, and passions. Explain how those unique aspects will help you grow academically and personally. This will help connect the program's offerings to your individual goals, which will make your essay more engaging and memorable.

3. Demonstrate fit: Providing evidence for why you'd be a great fit for the program is essential. Highlight your past achievements, related experiences, and the skills you've developed that will contribute to your success in this program. By being specific about your past accomplishments and how they've prepared you for this program, you'll show the admissions team why you're a perfect fit.

4. Future vision: Paint a clear picture of what you want to achieve during your time in the program and after graduation. Be realistic, but don't hesitate to share your aspirations. This will allow the admissions team to envision the kind of impact you could make as a student and alumnus.

5. Be concise and avoid fluff: With word limits being restrictive, focus on including only relevant details and avoid using clichéd phrases or generic language. This will help your essay stand out and convey your genuine interest in the program.

For example, if you're applying to a computer science program, instead of just mentioning their cutting-edge facilities, highlight a specific lab or research project conducted by a professor that aligns with your interests. Connect this with your previous experience in coding and how you plan to use the knowledge gained from the program to, say, develop solutions for pressing social issues.

Remember to remain focused on the program in question and what makes it unique. Good luck with your college applications and your 'Why This Program' essay!

a year ago

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