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Foreign Nationals Enlisting in the U.S. Military

Hey, does anyone know how a foreign national can enlist in the U.S. military? I'm curious about the requirements and possible paths since I'm considering this option after high school.

8 hours ago

A foreign national who wishes to enlist in the U.S. military needs to fulfill a few specific criteria. The first and most important requirement is that the individual must have legal residency in the United States. This is usually achieved by having a Green Card or Permanent Resident Card. It's important to note that having just a Visa, even a work or student visa, is not considered sufficient for military enlistment.

In terms of basic qualifications, beyond residency status, these are generally similar to those for U.S. citizens and include being between the ages of 17 and 42, possessing a high school diploma or equivalent, meeting medical, physical, and moral standards, and taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.

Once enlisted, non-U.S. citizens can also apply for expedited U.S. citizenship, although military service does not automatically lead to citizenship. Various factors such as the term of service, character of service, and the type of discharge received can affect eligibility for naturalization.

If you are considering this path, it may be advisable to reach out to a local recruiter who can provide specific details based on your circumstances. Remember, each branch of the military might come with its own set of guidelines, so exploring the specifics of each can also be helpful. Lastly, rules and regulations can change over time, so make sure you're getting the most current information when looking into it.

8 hours ago

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