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Creating a Resume: High School Student Edition

I’m a junior in high school and trying to build my first resume. What should be included to make it effective when I don’t have much experience? Any examples or templates that might help?

8 hours ago

Definitely, happy to help you start crafting your resume! As a high school student, you might not have much work experience yet, but there are still plenty of experiences you can draw from.

A good format to stick to when drafting your resume is:

1. Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, and professional email address at the top of your resume.

2. Objectives: Write a brief paragraph stating your career objective or overview of what makes you unique. Keep it concise and relevant to the role or opportunity you're seeking.

3. Education: List your high school and anticipated graduation date. Feel free to detail any honors or AP classes you're enrolled in and your GPA, if it’s strong.

4. Extracurricular Activities & Leadership Roles: These can include both school-based and non-school activities. Focus on what you achieved while participating. For example, if you were the president of an art club, you could note how you organized weekly meetings, planned an art showcase, or increased club membership by 30%.

5. Experience: This section includes work experience you have, including summer jobs, internships, or even substantial volunteering. Each entry should have the job title, where it took place, and the dates. Make sure to list any significant professional accomplishments.

6. Skills & Certifications: You can include relevant skills here. If you speak multiple languages, are certified in CPR, or have aptitude in Microsoft Excel, for example, mention those.

7. References: This section is optional. But if you have someone who agreed to serve as a reference, you can list their name, relationship to you, and contact information. Alternatively, you could note that references are available upon request.

Remember, it's the content, not necessarily the specific format, that matters most. Quantify your achievements where possible, tailor the resume for each specific application, and proofread, then proofread again.

An example could look like this:

John Doe

(123) 456-7890

Objective: Highly motivated, detail-oriented high school junior eager to apply my leadership skills and passion for mathematics to a summer internship in financial services.


City High School, Anytown, State (August 2023 - Expected Graduation May 2025)

Current GPA: 3.8

Current Coursework includes: AP Calculus, AP Physics, Honors English

Extracurricular Activities:

- Treasurer, Student Council (Aug 2023 - present)

- Volunteer, Neighborhood Food Bank (June 2023 - present)

- Attackman, Varsity Lacrosse (August 2023 - present)


- Intern, Local Assemblywoman's Office (Jun - Aug 2024)

- Cashier, State Supermarket (Feb - May 2024)

Skills & Certifications:

- Certified CPR

- Fluent in Spanish and English

- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

References: Available upon request

Remember, be honest. Stretching the truth on your resume can lead to problems in the future. Good luck on your resume journey—this is a great step towards your future career!

8 hours ago

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