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Universities accepting the most transfer credits

I'm looking to transfer from my community college to a university that’s generous with transfer credits. Which universities are known for accepting a lot of transfer credits so I don’t lose my progress?

12 hours ago

University policies can vary widely, but generally speaking, many public universities are particularly receptive to community college transfers and may accept a large number of transfer credits.

For instance, as part of the California College System, the University of California (UC) institutions, like UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego, typically have strong transfer pathways from community colleges and accept a high number of transfer credits. The same goes for the California State University (CSU) institutions.

In Texas, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and other schools in the University of Texas System also frequently accept a high number of transfer credits, especially if those credits are coming from other schools within the system.

State schools in other parts of the country, like the University of Washington, University of Michigan, and University of Florida also have policies favorable to transferring credit hours.

Private universities are generally a bit more strict about their transfer credit policies. However, some institutions such as the University of Southern California have established articulation agreements with nearby community colleges, which aids in the transferring of credits.

When determining which university to transfer to, make sure to check the transfer credit policy of the specific schools you are interested in. Most universities will offer a transfer credit guide or articulation agreement, which shows exactly how credits at your current institution will transfer to the university. It's also advisable to speak with a transfer advisor at both your community college and potential transfer schools. They can guide you through the process and help ensure that you maximize your transfer credits.

12 hours ago

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