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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Summer Job Programs for High School Students in Philadelphia?

I'm a junior in high school looking for summer job programs in Philly. Does anyone know of any great options for gaining work experience in the area? I'd love to find something that's both fun and looks good on a college application.

12 hours ago

Philadelphia has numerous summer job programs that cater to high school students, and several of these could significantly beneficial to your college application. Here are a few suggestions:

1. WorkReady Philadelphia: Managed by the Philadelphia Youth Network, WorkReady provides paid summer work experiences that align with your career interests. It's an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience.

2. The Philadelphia Zoo: This Zoo offers volunteer opportunities for teens in the summer, where you could guide guests, operate stations, and educate visitors about wildlife conservation.

Remember, when seeking a summer job, follow your interests. Colleges appreciate seeing students who engage in activities they're passionate about, as it shows genuine commitment and can provide excellent material for your application essays. Make sure to gain as much as you can from the experience, not just for your resume, but also for personal growth and fun!

12 hours ago

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