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Looking for Summer Jobs for High School Students in Queensbury, NY

I'm a high school student living in Queensbury, NY. Are there any local places where I could apply for a summer job? Hoping to make some extra money and maybe learn something new over the break.

12 hours ago

That's a smart idea! A summer job can be a great way to not only make some extra money but also learn valuable skills. In Queensbury, you have a few options that might be a good fit for a high school student.

One idea could be local grocery stores or retail stores. Chains such as Walmart, Target, or even local supermarkets are often in need of seasonal help and can provide a great experience in customer service.

If you're interested in food service, check out local restaurants or cafes. They may need busboys, waitstaff, or cashiers, especially if they have outdoor seating areas that get busy in the summer.

Queensbury also has quite a few recreational areas--like the Six Flags Great Escape Theme Park--where they typically hire students in the summer to work in various capacities ranging from food and beverage staff to ride operators.

Local community centers or libraries might also be an option. They may have summer programs that need assistants, which can also provide valuable experience if you're interested in education or public service work.

You may want to start applying soon as the summer job hunt can be competitive. Keep in mind that your age may limit the hours you can work and the tasks you can perform, so make sure to check the employment laws in your state. Remember, any job experience is valuable experience, so it can only help your future career prospects. Good luck with your search!

12 hours ago

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