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Summer Jobs in 2025 for High School Students in San Antonio?

I'm planning ahead for my senior summer in 2025. What kinds of summer job opportunities might be available for high school students in San Antonio? Looking for ideas on where to apply or programs to join.

12 hours ago

During your senior summer, you will have a range of job opportunities available to you in the San Antonio area. Here are some possibilities:

Local Businesses: Local stores and restaurants often need help during the summer season when regular staff take vacation. This can be a great way to acquire customer service skills and to support your local community.

Tourism: San Antonio is a city rich with culture and history, and during the summer, it attracts many tourists. Jobs can be found in places like the River Walk, Tower of the Americas, and historical museums. These positions might involve being a tour guide, working in gift shops, or even in customer service roles at tourist attractions.

Parks and Recreation Department: The San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department often has job openings in public parks or community swimming pools. These could involve tasks like monitoring safety rules, overseeing games and sports, or preserving the cleanliness and order of the facilities.

Youth Camps: If you enjoy working with children, consider applying to work at a summer camp. Many need counselors, lifeguards, and other support roles.

Internships: Depending on your future career interests, you might consider an internship in that field. Local organizations or businesses sometimes provide pre-college internships that could offer real-world job experience.

Remember to start applying early as these spots can fill up quickly, and make sure to leverage any connections you might have. Good luck with your job search!

12 hours ago

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