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Small colleges for a biology bachelor's degree in Texas?

Considering pursuing a biology major in Texas and I'm interested in small colleges with a strong program. Would love any suggestions or insights into schools that offer personalized attention and a solid biology curriculum!

13 hours ago

If you're on the hunt for small colleges in Texas with robust biology programs, here are a few worth considering:

1. Southwestern University: Located in Georgetown, this liberal arts institution offers a comprehensive biology program in which students are offered opportunities to conduct research alongside faculty. They have a strong focus on multiple biological disciplines from ecology and evolution to molecular microbiology.

2. Trinity University: This college in San Antonio promotes a rigorous academic environment, where the biology program is designed to provide a deep understanding of biological principles and the scientific method. In this program, you'll find a wealth of opportunities for research and field studies.

3. Austin College: This liberal arts college offers an extensive biology program, and the smaller class sizes facilitate more intimate learning environments. With various research and internship opportunities, students here have a chance to apply their learning and gain practical experience.

4. St. Edward's University: Located in Austin, St. Edward's biology program is known for encouraging hands-on laboratory and fieldwork experience and promoting research opportunities, internships, and study abroad experiences, all of which can be hugely beneficial in the field of biology.

While all these schools offer strong biology programs, remember to take the time to visit, if possible, and get a feel for each school's culture and environment. This will ensure that when you do make your final decision, it's somewhere you feel you could thrive academically and personally.

13 hours ago

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