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Looking for summer jobs in St. Augustine, FL for high school students?

I'm a high school student in St. Augustine and I'm seeking summer employment. Are there any local businesses known for hiring teens over the summer?

12 hours ago

St. Augustine, Florida, as with many Florida towns, has a thriving tourism industry, which typically provides a good number of seasonal job opportunities for high school students during the summer. Here are a few sectors you might want to consider when looking for a job:

Local Restaurants and Cafes: St. Augustine boasts a diverse range of eateries, cafes, and restaurants that often need extra help during the busy summer months. Roles could include hosting, waiting tables, or even working in the kitchen or at the counter for a take-out spot.

Retail: With many boutiques and tourist-oriented stores downtown, there's a high chance you'll be able to find a job in retail. These positions could involve customer service, working a register, or stocking shelves.

Hospitality: Being a historic town, St. Augustine has numerous hotels and inns that may hire high school students for various positions like front desk attendants or housekeeping.

Tourist Attractions: Places like the Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, and the city's various museums often hire additional workers for the high tourist season in the summer.

Remember that customer service skills are typically crucial for these types of jobs, so be sure to emphasize any relevant experience or skills you have when applying.

However, keep in mind this varies year by year and depends on the specific business. I recommend you start looking early, have your resume ready, and apply to multiple places to increase your odds of finding a job. Good luck!

12 hours ago

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