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Can a curved spine impact my ability to enlist in the military?

I'm considering enlisting in the military after high school but I have a slightly curved spine. Does anyone know if this might disqualify me or make it harder to join?

13 hours ago

While each branch of the military has its own specific medical qualifications for enlistment, a curved spine, or scoliosis, doesn't necessarily disqualify you from serving. As long as your condition doesn't cause any functional limitation or pain, it may not be a hindrance.

However, the U.S military standards are typically quite strict when considering any musculoskeletal abnormalities. The deciding factor will likely be the severity of your curvature. Mild to moderate cases of scoliosis (defined as a curvature between 20-30 degrees) are often deemed acceptable, but more severe cases might be considered disqualifying.

Of course, the final decision would be made after a proper and thorough medical examination by a military physician. They will assess your overall physical fitness and your ability to perform military duties. Each case is evaluated individually, so it's difficult to provide a blanket statement.

Remember, honesty is important throughout the enlistment process. Don't hide your condition; disclose it as early as possible so it doesn't lead to any complications down the line. Given this, it would also be beneficial to consult with your healthcare provider or a spine specialist regarding the expected impact of your curved spine over time, if any. Best of luck with all your future endeavors!

13 hours ago

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