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Finding a summer job as a high schooler in Tallahassee?

I'm a high school student based in Tallahassee and hoping to find a job this summer. Any pointers on companies or industries that often hire students like me would be awesome!

12 hours ago

There are numerous opportunities for high school students to find summer jobs in Tallahassee. It ultimately depends on your interests, but here are a few possibilities across different industries.

1. Retail Stores: Local franchises and big chains such as Target or Walmart often hire high school students for various roles such as cashiers, sales associates, or stock clerks.

2. Food Service: Fast food chains, restaurants, ice cream parlors, or coffee shops often have positions open to high school students. These are particularly common during the summer months when demand for these services tends to increase.

3. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you could consider offering tutoring services to other students. You could either freelance or join a tutoring center that offers these services.

4. Amusement Parks: If you're into fun and entertainment, Tallahassee is home to the Fun Station, which might be hiring summer staff.

5. Childcare: Babysitting or working in a daycare center is another option. Some families might be seeking summer childcare, and there are childcare centers that look for extra staff during the summer months.

Remember, when searching for a job it is important to create a resume that highlights any relevant experience, skills or volunteer work. Being proactive, showing eagerness to learn, and demonstrating a responsible attitude will also increase your chances of landing a job. Remember to apply early as summer jobs can fill up quickly. Good luck with your job search!

12 hours ago

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