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Best Jobs for High School Graduates

I'm graduating soon and looking for work rather than heading straight to college. What are the best jobs for someone with just a high school diploma? Ideally, I'd like to earn decent money.

13 hours ago

There are quite a few sectors that high school graduates can consider that offer good pay and growth opportunities.

Firstly, if you haven't ruled out additional training, consider receiving vocational or trade school training in areas such as welding, electrician, or plumbing. These skilled jobs often have good starting salaries and can provide you with a strong foundation of skills.

In the sales sector, you may be surprised by the number of opportunities available with just a high school diploma. Positions such as a real estate agent or insurance sales agent can offer decent salaries, especially after gaining a bit of experience and building up a clientele.

Customer service representatives and administrative assistants are other job roles to consider. They usually provide good entry-level opportunities and can give you valuable experience in dealing with people and managing tasks.

The medical field also offers opportunities for high school graduates. Jobs like a medical transcriptionist, pharmacy technician, or medical assistant require minimal training and can provide a stepping stone to many healthcare careers.

If you are interested in technical fields, roles like computer support specialists can be available for self-taught or certificate holders, and they offer good pay too.

Remember, these are just a few examples. Always consider what you enjoy and where you see your career going when choosing a job. While it's important to earn a living, try to choose a job that aligns with your personal interests and long-term career goals, if you have them. If you see college in your future, you could also consider work that aligns with what you anticipate studying.

13 hours ago

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