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Summer jobs for Aurora high school students?

I'm a high school student in Aurora and looking for summer work. What are some available job opportunities in our area? Any tips on where to apply or types of places to look at?

12 hours ago

Hi there! It's brilliant that you're thinking ahead about summer employment while you're still in high school, as it not only can provide you with some extra spending money or savings for college, but it can also give you valuable work experience and skills that could be handy in the future.

Aurora, with its mix of suburban and city dynamics, provides a good amount of possible job opportunities for high school students. The first thing you need to do is consider your skill set, as well as what you might enjoy doing or what career field you might be interested in. Here are some potential job ideas:

1. Retail Jobs: While retail doesn't always offer the highest pay for teenagers, it offers a variety of roles and can be a great starting point. You could apply at local grocery stores, shopping malls, or stand-alone stores, just make sure to inquire about the employees' age requirements before you apply.

2. Fast Food/Restaurant Jobs: Fast food chains and restaurants often have job openings for high school students, whether it be as a cook, host/hostess, or waiter/waitress. Some local family-run restaurants might be particularly welcoming to local students.

3. Tutoring: You could possibly leverage your academic strengths to offer tutoring services for lower grade students. This could be done independently, or through a tutoring center.

4. Babysitting/Childcare: If you enjoy spending time with children, consider looking for babysitting jobs or even positions at local daycare centers or sports camps. These usually require some kind of background check, but could be very rewarding jobs.

5. Lifeguard Jobs: If you enjoy swimming and have the required lifeguard certification, check out local pools or water parks for lifeguard positions. These positions usually pay decently and can be a great way to stay cool during the hot summer months.

6. Dog-Walking or Pet-Sitting: If you are an animal lover, these services can be easily advertised in your neighborhood or on online platforms. It could potentially turn into a year-round gig if you end up liking it.

Most important is to start looking and applying early. Consider talking to your school counselor or career office for guidance and potential job leads. Best of luck with your job search!

12 hours ago

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