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How to Find Summer Jobs in NYC for High School Students in 2025?

I know it's a bit in advance, but I'm planning to find a summer job in NYC in 2025. Do you guys know what summer jobs are available for high school students and how I should start my search?

13 hours ago

Firstly, you're commendable for planning things ahead. Having a summer job can provide an enriching experience and teach valuable skills. As a high school student in NYC, you have a wide range of options.

If you're interested in city resident programs, the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is a popular initiative offered every summer in NYC. It provides city's youth between ages 14 to 24 with paid summer experiences across a variety of industries including arts, sports, and education.

Retail jobs in places like clothing stores or grocery shops can be a good option because they often hire high school students, especially for the busy summer months. Junior camp counselor positions are another possibility if you enjoy working with kids and have some experience with outdoor activities.

Keep an eye on opportunities in your local neighborhood and reach out to any connections you might have such as friends, relatives, or local community centers. Many jobs might not be advertised widely, so asking around can make all the difference.

To increase your chances of landing a job, try to prepare ahead of time by creating a simple resume detailing any past work experience you have (you can include volunteer experience as well), academic achievements, and extracurricular activities that highlight skills relevant to the job you're applying for.

Remember that the job search can take time, so start early, follow up on applications you’ve made, and don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect job immediately. Happy job hunting!

13 hours ago

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