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Jobs for high school graduates over the summer?

Hi! I'm going to be graduating high school soon and I'm looking for a summer job before college. What types of jobs should I consider that may also give me relevant experience?

13 hours ago

Congrats on your upcoming graduation! Summer jobs can be a great way to gain relevant experience and also potentially earn some money to help with college expenses. The type of job you might want to consider will heavily depend on what you're interested in and what you want to study in college.

For instance, If you're interested in a healthcare-related field, you may want to consider roles in healthcare facilities, such as a receptionist in a doctor's office or an assistant in a physical therapy clinic. While you might not be conducting any medical procedures, you will still have the opportunity to learn about how a healthcare facility operates and interact with professionals in your field of interest.

For those interested in business, retail positions in a department store or a local business could provide relevant experience. You would learn important skills about customer service, sales, and stock inventory management.

If education is your field of interest, summer camps often hire high school graduates as counselors. This could provide some preliminary teaching experience and allow you to interact with younger students.

For those interested in social services, many non-profits offer summer placements where you can gain hands-on experience in service delivery, event management, and client engagement.

If your college major is more technical, like engineering or computer science, keep an eye out for internships that might be open to high school graduates. Even entry-level roles can provide helpful exposure to these fields.

Whatever job you decide to go for, make sure to take this opportunity to develop important soft skills like communication, teamwork and problem-solving, as these will be valuable no matter what career path you end up choosing in the future. Best of luck in your job search!

13 hours ago

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