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Stanford Transfer Essays: What Do They Look For?

I'm considering transferring to Stanford and I'm curious about the transfer essays. What does Stanford look for in transfer applicants' essays, and what makes an essay unique or appealing to the admissions officers?

a year ago

When reviewing transfer essays, Stanford and other competitive schools are trying to gain a better understanding of who you are as a person, your academic interests, and how well you have progressed at your current institution. They will be looking for motivation, maturity, and a clear sense of purpose. To make your essays unique and appealing, consider the following:

1. Be authentic and genuine: Write about your true experiences and emotions. Avoid trying to impress by solely listing your accomplishments. Instead, choose meaningful experiences that have impacted your life and demonstrate your personality.

2. Explain your reasons for transferring: Clearly articulate why you want to transfer to Stanford and how it aligns with your future goals. Connect specific academic programs or extracurricular opportunities at Stanford to your career aspirations or interests.

3. Highlight your personal growth: Show how you have developed both academically and personally at your current institution. Illustrate how you can contribute to the Stanford community based on these experiences.

4. Be specific and focused: Think of a central theme to weave throughout your essay. This could be a profound moment or realization that spurred your desire to transfer or a core value that drives your decision-making. By focusing on one overarching theme, your essay will be more coherent and memorable.

5. Avoid clichés: Just like in first-year applicants' essays, avoid recounting experiences that seem overused or generic. Unique stories reflecting your individuality will be more engaging to the admissions officer.

6. Show, don't tell: Using vivid details and examples can help you better convey your emotions, experiences, and personal growth. This approach prevents your essay from being a list of accomplishments and helps the reader gain insight into your character.

7. Edit and proofread: A polished essay demonstrates your commitment to the application process and your attention to detail. Ask for feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers or counselors, who can provide valuable input to improve your essay.

By keeping these tips in mind, you will present a compelling and memorable essay that resonates with Stanford's admissions officers.

a year ago

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