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SAT: 720 math
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Remote jobs for current high school students?

I'm a current junior looking for remote work to get some experience. Most places require a diploma or experience, and I have neither. Where should a high school student with little experience search for remote work?

16 hours ago

There are several online platforms and job categories that could be of interest to you as a high school student with minimal experience:

1. Online Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, might I suggest considering tutoring online? Websites like Chegg and often hire high school students to teach younger students or peers. You can choose the subjects you are comfortable with and create your schedule, making it as flexible as needed.

2. Freelance Writing: If you enjoy writing or are good at it, platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer allow you to offer your writing services, whether it be content, blog writing, or even proofreading.

3. Data Entry: Several companies offer data entry positions which generally do not require any previous experience. These jobs typically involve inputting information into a database or a document.

4. Survey participant or Test User: Websites such as UserTesting, Survey Junkie, or Swagbucks pay for your opinion on various subjects or for testing websites and apps.

5. Social Media Management: If you are adept at social media and understand what engages people, you could consider reaching out to local businesses to help manage their social media accounts.

6. Virtual Assistant: Organized and detail-oriented individuals would be great at this. A virtual assistant provides support services from a remote location, such as administrative tasks.

Of course, it's always best to reach out to the guidance counselor at your school as they can provide you with more personalized advice based on your talents and interests.

16 hours ago

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