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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Opportunities for remote summer jobs in Coppell, TX?

I live near Coppell, TX, and I'm a high schooler trying to get a remote summer job. Are there specific companies or websites I should check out for remote work in this area?

15 hours ago

Certainly! Remote work opportunities can be found across a variety of online platforms. Websites like Indeed and LinkedIn regularly list remote job opportunities and have filters specifically for remote work. You just need to set your location to Coppell, TX, and filter by the 'remote' option.

In addition to these, you can check out websites like and FlexJobs that are specifically dedicated to remote job listings. You should also consider Upwork or Fiverr, which are platforms where you can freelance based on your particular skill set, for example, writing, design, translation, or programming.

Amazon also offers remote job opportunities, including customer service positions that usually have a minimum age requirement of 16 or 18 years.

Remember, whether you are looking to intern with a large company or start something smaller like freelance writing, the most important part is to apply to jobs that align with your interests and help build your skills. Good luck with your search! Be sure to carefully read the job descriptions and requirements and draft your application accordingly.

15 hours ago

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