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Where can high school students find research assistant jobs?

I'm really interested in research and would love to work as a research assistant while still in high school. Any advice on how to find these opportunities or if it's even possible for someone my age?

15 hours ago

Absolutely, it's certainly possible for a high school student to find research assistant opportunities, though they might not always fall under a formal "job" designation. Here are a few places you could look:

1. Local Colleges/Universities: Professors and graduate students often need assistance with their research projects. Reach out to your local college or university to see if they have opportunities available that align with your interests. Send a brief professional email introducing yourself and expressing your interest. They may not always have paid positions, but they might be able to offer you some unpaid experience or work-study options, which can be just as valuable.

2. High School Science Department: Speak to a science teacher or counselor at your school to find if there are existing partnerships with universities or research institutions. Some high schools have programs or collaborations in place that allow students to get involved with research.

3. Science and Engineering Programs: There are summer science and engineering programs for high school students like Simons Summer Research Program or the Research Science Institute (RSI) which a highly competitive program where students conduct original research. These opportunities often involve working alongside industry or academic professionals on real-world projects.

4. Online Platforms: Online platforms such as or Chegg often advertise research assistant positions suitable for high-school students.

Please note that due to the in-depth, specialized nature of research, these opportunities can be competitive to get. It's important to leverage any relevant coursework or experiences you've had in your application or conversation with these organizations, and show genuine interest in the research topic. Good luck!

15 hours ago

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