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How can I find a sales job as a high school student?

I'm currently in high school and really interested in gaining some sales experience. What kind of sales jobs do high school students usually get, and how can I find openings that hire at my age?

15 hours ago

It's great that you want to gain early experience in sales. Sales build some much-needed skills, like communication, negotiation, and customer service, which are beneficial regardless of your long-term career plans.

Here are a few options for sales roles typically open to high school students:

1. Retail Sales Associate: This is a common job for high school students. It involves working in a store, helping customers find what they need, and upselling when possible. Clothing stores, electronics outlets, bookshops, and other local retail stores are often looking for part-time sales associates.

2. Food Service/Cashier: Fast food or a local cafe usually have part-times sales roles. These usually involve cashier work, but they often have aspects of upselling as you might have to promote special menu items.

3. Direct Sales: Companies like Avon or Cutco allow you to sell products directly to people in your community. You can set your own hours, which can be particularly attractive to high school students. Just be mindful of schemes that require upfront investments.

To find these jobs, the following approach might work:

On-foot job hunting: A simple way to find opportunities is going to local businesses and asking if they're hiring. It also helps to get your face seen by prospective employers.

Online job platforms: Websites like Indeed, Snagajob, or Glassdoor frequently post vacancies suitable for high school level positions.

Networking: Make the most out of your existing network. Let family, friends, teachers, or coaches know that you're looking for work. They might know someone who's hiring.

Remember: Although you're in high school, employers will still expect professionalism. Make sure to have a resume ready and dress appropriately for any interviews. Good luck!

15 hours ago

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