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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it important to put high school on my job resume?

As a high school junior starting to look for a part-time job, should I include the name of my high school on my resume, or is that not necessary if I'm still in school?

15 hours ago

Yes, as a high school student, it's indeed important to include your high school information on your resume. Since you're in the process of completing your studies, potential employers are interested in knowing your educational background, even if it's not yet complete. Include the name of your high school and the projected graduation date.

For instance, it could look something like this in the Education section of your resume:

XYZ High School, City, State

Expected Graduation: Month, Year

Including your high school lets the prospective employer know a little bit more about you, and it's common protocol until you move on to a higher educational institution or accumulate more job experience. As you gain experience in part-time jobs and internships or move on to college, your high school information will become less relevant, and you would ultimately remove it from your resume.

15 hours ago

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