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Summer jobs for high school students in Albuquerque?

I'm currently in high school and living in Albuquerque. I'm looking to find a summer job to gain some experience and earn money. What are some good places to start looking for jobs as a student here?

16 hours ago

As a high school student in Albuquerque, there are a variety of opportunities and types of summer jobs you might consider that could provide valuable experience and income.

1. Research Labs: Being in a city with several research labs like Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory, you might be able to find internships or student jobs there. While some jobs may require college-level studies, there can be positions suitable for high school students.

2. Retail Stores & Fast Food: Retail stores often hire students over the summer since it's a busy period for them. Similarly, fast food joints and eateries might be looking for extra hands during the summer.

3. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, consider tutoring younger students. This can be organized through a tutoring service or even on your own as a private tutor.

4. Seasonal City Jobs: Many cities, including Albuquerque, offer seasonal employment opportunities for high school students during the summer months. This could include jobs at city recreational facilities, like swimming pools and parks.

5. Local Museums: Albuquerque has a lot of museums like the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science or the Albuquerque Museum. They might have positions for tour guides, assistants, etc.

Remember to have your resume in shape, and if you need help, your school's guidance counselor or a professional counselor can provide advice on creating a professional-looking resume even if you don't have a lot of work experience yet.

Best of luck with your job search!

16 hours ago

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