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Jobs hiring now for high school students over summer?

Summer break is coming up, and I'm eager to secure a job before all the positions fill up. What kinds of summer jobs are already hiring high school students, and where should I look to apply quickly?

16 hours ago

Certainly, there are a range of seasonal jobs that are conventionally open to high school students over the summer. Here are some examples:

1. Retail and Fast Food: Local retail stores and fast food restaurants often hire high school students during summer. These roles don't usually require you to have prior work experience.

2. Lifeguarding: If you enjoy swimming and are a certified lifeguard, or willing to become certified, working at a local pool or water park might be a perfect fit.

3. Camp Counselor: Summer camps often need counselors to supervise kids and teens. If there are any camps in your area, it would be a good idea to check their hiring policies.

4. Pet and House Sitting: Summertime is also when many families go on vacation, so pet and house-sitting services may see an upturn in demand.

5. Babysitting or Child Care: Many families need extra help in the summer while the kids are out of school. Babysitting can be more flexible than a more traditional job, which might be perfect if you're also trying to squeeze in summer classes or college applications.

6. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, consider starting a tutoring business to help peers or younger students stay sharp and prepare for the next academic year.

7. Lawn and Yard Work: Many people need extra help with gardening, lawn mowing, or other yard maintenance during the summer, and it can be quite enjoyable if you like being outdoors!

8. Movie Theater Staff: As a classic summer job, movie theaters often look for part-time help when the blockbuster season rolls around and the school's out.

You can start your job search by looking at online job boards, reaching out to local businesses, or even asking around your neighborhood. Remember, when applying for these jobs, be ready with a resume that highlights any related experience (such as babysitting for a younger sibling or volunteering at your local library), your skills, and your availability. Good luck with your job search!

16 hours ago

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