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Finding summer jobs in Washington, DC for high school students

I'm a high school student in the DC area looking for a summer job. There seem to be a lot of options, but I'm not sure what's suitable for someone my age. Any advice on where to look?

16 hours ago

Sure, happy to offer some tips. One of the first places you might want to look is in local recreation departments or community centers. They often hire teenagers for part-time positions over the summer, working as camp counselors, lifeguards, or park service aids. Keep in mind that certain jobs may require certifications, such as CPR for lifeguarding positions.

Restaurants and grocery stores are also common places that hire high school students. You could look for positions as a host/hostess, busser, or stock clerk. These can be great jobs for developing customer service and teamwork skills.

Local libraries often hire young people as summer reading program assistants or library aides. This could be a good fit if you enjoy reading and working with the public.

Internships can be another excellent path, as they often allow you to explore a particular field of interest. While some are unpaid, they provide valuable experience. You might want to check with local companies or non-profit organizations to see if they offer internships to high school students. DC is known for its numerous governmental and non-profit organizations, and these could provide valuable experiences in fields like politics, environment, social services, etc.

In addition, you could look for opportunities through platforms like Indeed or Appily, which list many part-time and summer job opportunities for high school students. Remember to be safe when job searching online, always verify the legitimacy of the job posting, and never provide personal information upfront.

In any case, make sure the job is one that you will enjoy and learn from. Good luck!

16 hours ago

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