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Suitable summer jobs for high school students in Gaithersburg, MD?

I live in Gaithersburg, MD, and I'm a high school student hoping to find a summer job. I'd like something that's both fun and pays reasonably well. Any good suggestions or tips on where to apply?

16 hours ago

There are several options for summer jobs that could be both enjoyable and financial rewarding for high school students in Gaithersburg, MD.

1. Retail Stores: You could consider working in a retail setting such as a clothing, electronics, or book store. This could also provide discounts for merchandise and help build customer service skills.

2. Food Service: While it can be fast-paced and challenging at times, working at local restaurants or fast food chains could be a good option. Plus, you may receive tips in addition to the hourly wage.

3. Babysitting or Pet Sitting: These jobs provide a good source of income and a flexible schedule. You could start by offering your services to neighbors or family friends.

4. Outdoor Work: Given that Gaithersburg has a range of outdoor facilities, consider summer jobs at local parks, public pools, or golf courses, which often have seasonal positions open.

5. Tutoring: If you excel in a certain academic area, you could offer tutoring services to kids in your neighborhood.

Remember to start your job search early, have a polished resume at hand, and be prepared for interviews. Good luck with your job hunt!

16 hours ago

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