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What are some options for high schoolers interested in middle-skilled jobs?

I'm considering middle-skilled jobs after graduation. Are there specific programs or apprenticeships I should be looking into while I'm still in high school to best prepare myself for this path?

16 hours ago

Exploring middle-skilled job opportunities right after high school is certainly a viable path, and many industries need workers with specific technical skills which can be acquired through targeted training programs or apprenticeships. Two main paths to consider are Vocational Education Training (VET) and apprenticeships.

VET is a form of education designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge, and these programs are typically offered by community colleges or technical schools. Areas of study often include fields like automotive technology, electrical work, health occupations, and culinary arts, among others. Many VET programs offer cooperative education opportunities, which combine classroom learning with on-the-job training.

On the other hand, apprenticeships are more 'on-the-job' in nature, often involving unions, individuals, or companies training you while you work. For instance, the U.S. Department of Labor offers apprenticeship programs in diverse fields like information technology, advanced manufacturing, and healthcare. If you're interested in specific industries, you might consider seeking out apprenticeship programs in those areas.

Moreover, some high schools offer Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that allow you to start gaining career-specific skills while still completing your high school education. Areas of focus may include things like manufacturing, culinary arts, coding, or even digital media, depending on the offerings at your school.

Remember, it's important to research these options thoroughly and maybe even speak to a high school guidance counselor or career counselor to get a better understanding of the opportunities available to you.

16 hours ago

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