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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which majors are most common at the University of Washington, Seattle?

I'm curious to know which majors have the highest number of students at the University of Washington, Seattle. Is there a particular field that seems to attract more students? How does this affect class sizes?

16 hours ago

At the University of Washington, Seattle, the most popular majors are Computer Science, Informatics, Biology, Psychology, and Business Administration. These majors attract a significant number of students due to the quality of programs and job opportunities in these fields, particularly in Computer Science and Informatics with Seattle being a major technology hub.

Having a large number of students in a particular major can sometimes lead to larger class sizes, especially in introductory or survey courses that are prerequisites for many students. However, as students progress through their major, they often find that class sizes become smaller, as coursework becomes more specialized. This allows for more individualized instruction and more opportunities for discussion and collaboration.

That said, it's also important to note that class size can vary significantly even within a single major, depending on class level and popularity of the class. Some high-demand classes may have a large lecture format combined with smaller discussion sections led by Teaching Assistants, while others may have fewer students and thus a more seminar-like environment. The university has a system in place to handle high-enrollment majors efficiently.

16 hours ago

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